Thinking of buying a bank repossessed property? Read this first.
Buying a bank repossessed property may seem like a bargain, but what happens when occupants refuse to vacate?
Buying a bank repossessed property may seem like a bargain, but what happens when occupants refuse to vacate?
Established in 2013, the Enana Recycle Swop Shop rewards community members for collecting glass in exchange for much-needed items.
While many companies are considering the hybrid working model going forward, the sustainability of this approach will be organisation specific.
The Johannesburg Stock Exchange listed EPP, Poland’s biggest retail landlord, delivered a solid performance for the first six months of 2021, in line with expectations.
Aspiring property investors who wish to achieve financial independence faster should not buy newly built property, says property coach, Carlo Mariani.
Consumers worldwide are reportedly becoming more eco-friendly, choosing to buy from companies that are conscious of the environment and supportive of protecting it.
Although office vacancy rates continue to increase, Sandton remains the country’s primary location and is expected to hold its value in the long-term.
Newly opened, The Catalyst Hotel in Johannesburg offers the home-from-home experience, whether they are catering for quick business visits or long-term stays.
The Cape’s first farm, Steenberg Farm, was established in 1682. Steeped in history, it has been renovated into the Steenberg Hotel & Spa.
For many people, birthday celebrations are no longer complete without designer outfits, according to a self-taught kids and moms’ designer.
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