Remaking Nature – A Preposterous Notion.

Considering the damage that humankind has caused to nature, an international movement has been instituted to remake nature. The remaking or repairing is intended to be done in cities and urban areas across the world, and by way of stopping the deforestation that has been and still is being performed. Besides this being a massive task to be taken up by many international conservation and scientific institutions, my opinion is that it is practically impossible to repair or remake nature to any semblance of its original state.

A couple of years ago I attended a course titled ‘Environmental Humanities: Remaking Nature’ with the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, in which it was quoted, “you’ll get a broad overview of an emerging area of interdisciplinary research that reframes contemporary environmental challenges using approaches from philosophy, literature, language, history, anthropology, cultural studies and the arts”. This quote is from the website of Tom Van Dooren, an associate professor at UNSW in relation to this course and associated courses within this topical realm. The course was offered as a MOOC (Massive Online Open Course)

Producing a solution will involve an extensive inter-relationship with every nation and all people, all cultures, and almost all fields of sciences. Creating areas within towns and cities with the applicable ecosystems for the area to accommodate and attract natural life back into them. This touches me on a personal level because I had researched the intricate extent to which all life in and on planet Earth is tightly linked to nature and the elements, producing a oneness of being. My book, ‘ONE Life – Love – Energy’ details my findings. Planet Earth is a living being, as is everything in and on it. Earth and the elements, plus all universal forces, create and sustains all life. Nature is our host and it is not simply here at our behest

Strange as it may seem, six years ago I noticed that a pair of rock pigeons were creating a nest on my balcony. I have been fortunate to have experienced the making of many generations of their chicks coming to maturity and taking flight. It has been fascinating. We do not treat them as pets, so they are still wild, so to speak, in the city.

Cozily nested under a table on the balcony

Remaking nature is basically impossible because what we have done to it is irreversible. Examples are the soil poisoned by chemicals in agricultural activities, rainforests deforested that would take hundreds of years to restore their original ecosystem, if at all. The planting of palm trees in the vast deforested areas in the Amazonian rainforests to produce natural oils which annihilates the ecosystems that existed there beforehand. Retrieving the state of these areas is irretrievable, thus irreparable. Some great scientific discoveries, such as the mining and use in everyday life of oil and petroleum, and the by-products like plastic, have produced an environmental disaster.

How would we reverse the effects on animals, plants, and humans of the worldwide electromagnetic field in which we live, caused by electrical power stations? How would we reverse the effects on stashing tons of nuclear waste produced by power stations into the earth? We would also have to shut down cell phone towers and services to stop the negative effects caused by the radio waves that surround all life on earth and flow through everyone, with 5G causing ill-health for all life. How would we restore the elements earth, air, fire, and water, all poisoned by industry on a huge scale? And, how would we fully repair the hole in the ozone layer and climate change, when all ecosystems exist within the climate in which they are situated.

The awareness of the world’s population needs to be raised to plot the best way forward, in a truly democratic way, whereby we can activate and enhance the great work done by National Geographic and the World Wildlife Organization, among many other institutions. However, the entire world’s economy depends on the way life is set at present. The University of Cape Town has joined in the efforts of UNSW’s ‘Environmental Humanites: Remaking Nature’ program to research and find solutions to the crisis.

On a cultural level, here is what native American Chief Seattle had to say to congress years ago about our – the West’s – way of living, “How can you buy or sell the sky, the warmth of the land? The idea is strange to us. If we do not own the freshness of the air and the sparkle of the water, how can you buy them? Every part of this earth is sacred to my people.”

A scientific quote from Albert Einstein may be inspirational, “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”

The link to the book ‘ONE Life – Love – Energy’ on Amazon.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Safrea or its members.


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