A friend of mine who walks with difficulty on uneven ground has an enhanced perspective on nature. By watching closely where he steps, he tends to notice the small things on a hike – in addition to taking in the expansive views.
Unlike many of us who unwittingly trample on the minute.
It brings to mind what Aristotle said: “In all things of nature there is something of the marvellous.”
Clarens in South Africa’s Free State province takes pride in its nature conservancy on the outskirts of town. For a small fee, one buys a permit that is more of a map; it indicates cycle routes and hiking trails, illustrated with impressive photographs.
And it is here on the hiking trail that I make a point of spotting the tiniest of flowers and insects, delicately shaped fungi, brambles – some of which are ripe for the picking – and healthy lichen on the trees and sandstone. We follow the painted signs on rocks. There’s slippery mud on the path due to recent rains, a gushing stream, green moss, cascading water raining from above. We admire the deceptive fragility of spider webs and the birdsong from deep in the forest.
A delicate perfume of nature fills the nose. High above towers the sand-coloured mountain, wispy clouds brush the blue sky, like puffy umbrella seeds of a dandelion floating away in the gentle breeze.
“Nature is not a place to visit. It is home.” — Gary Snyder, American poet.
17 Responses
Lovely, lovely, lovely piece of writing and photography. Makes one think, and wonder. And I will definitely pay more attention, next time I am out walking, to where my feet are going.
Thanks, Niki. Much appreciated!
Wonderful photography, Sam. Green’s my thing. I just love these.
Thanks, Heléne. Somehow I thought green was yours.
Brilliant photographs Sam. Those drops … WOW. I tend to attempt the same thing. Tiny magnificence to be appreciated, enjoyed and captured. You have added to my enjoyment. Sometimes these beauties are in our gardens. I have I small translucent mushroom which raises its delicate head periodically. I’ll look for a photograph and send it to you.
I appreciate your comment, Peter. Many thanks. You’re right that many of these lovely things are right under our noses. I was lucky to find a bunch of Shaggy Mane, or Lawyer’s Wig in my front garden yesterday and took pictures. But they last only a day; there are just soggy stalks this morning. So, yes, go out when you see them and take pics. Please send the one you’ve captured; I’d love to see it.
Pragtig, Sam
Môre Willie. Baie dankie; ek is bly jy lees ons Safrea Chronicle. Teken gerus in, want ons wil die lesertal opstoot.
Good day, Sam. Thanks f the clip.
Have been walking this paradise f 12 and an half years, twice DAILY( thanks to my dear dog children!), and only marvel more each time at the beauty, variety, and now with the abundant rains, sheer lushness of our veld. Everything this year, especially, is plentiful ( flies too, alas ), making an hike THE most joyous event each day, at least f me.
Enhanced by the awareness of the greatness , generosity and wonderful creativity of our God, as seen all around. Thanks again.
Thank you so much, Nellie. Yes, as we grow older (as in my case), I appreciate the tiny things all around us.
Thank you for such an inspiring article. Is it possible to make it shareable as I would love to share it with guests busting Gentle Presence Cottage in Clarens 🌻
Thank you for caring for nature and sharing!
Thank you for such an inspiring article. Is it possible to make it shareable as I would love to share it with guests visiting Gentle Presence Cottage in Clarens 🌻
Thank you for caring for nature and sharing!
Dear Pat, thanks for the comment. I’m glad you liked the contribution. As for sharing, I’m not sure how to make it shareable other than to provide the link to the article, as here: https://safreachronicle.co.za/treasurables/
Would that help, or do you think there is another way?
Regards, Sam J Basch
Pragtige foto’s – wys maar net weer dat wat die natuur so stil-stil skep eintlik mooier is as wat ons ‘kreatiewe’ mense kan regkry. Dankie dat jy ons aandag vestig op die skoonheid wat ons miskyk as ons fokus op die ‘groot’ wondere van die natuur.
Dankie, Suzanne. Ja, inderdaad is die natuur soveel mooier as wat ons elke dag besef…
Leonie van Clarence het hier die pragtige stukkie met die mooiste fotos gestuur. Dis ons lewe in Moreletakloof Natuur reservaat, en dis ons lewens om die kloof te onderhou en elke dag ryklik gesëen te word met die ongelooflikste sampionee, fungi, slakies en goggers ou groot Berghardepeer bome. Ons is so lief vir ons pragtige Kloof🍃
Dankie dat jy kommentaar lewer, Jeannie. Ek vermoed julle Moreletakloof is net so mooi; ek moet nog daar gaan stap. Jy kan gerus inteken op ons Safrea Chronicle; dis gratis. En ons wil graag meer lesers betrek.